Today I thought I’d share a few stomach bug recovery tips, as we’re currently recovering our second round of it this season.
The stomach bug is currently going around pretty rampantly around here (hence our second round of it in a month) and so I thought I’d share our stomach bug recovery tips with you!
If you haven’t had had, or haven’t had it in awhile…. lemme just tell you that it’s. not. fun.
So if you can, I try to avoid it at all costs (or avoid it from spreading). But when you do catch it, I hope these few tips will help you as you’re going through it!
Top Five Stomach Bug Recovery Tips:
#1. Rest as much as you can!
This one should be obvious, but I know it’s super hard to do. Your body recovers best when it’s resting so be sure to give yourself rest, especially in the beginning!
I know anytime we’re sick, when we listen to our bodies and rest, we recover soooo much faster.
#2. Hydrate as much as you can tolerate!
Hydration is super important – but not always easy with the stomach flu.
For us, we opted for natural electrolytes added into our water (here’s one of my favorite natural ones that actually taste great), or mixing whatever sounds good with coconut water. My favorite GOOD TASTING coconut water is this brand (link).
I will also try and drink quality bone broth for quality calories and nourishment. If you don’t have any homemade, this brand is my absolute favorite store bought.
#3. Eat a BRAT diet, to tolerance, along with bone broth.
If you’re not familiar with the BRAT diet, it stands for “Bananas, Rice, Applesauce and Toast” aka really bland, high starch foods to help “bulk up” and calm an upset stomach.
Bone Broth is SUPER nutritious and a great, *gentle* way to slowly replenish when you’re feeling depleted. If you don’t have any homemade, I really love this brand and use them often!
#4. Replenish lost electrolytes!
There are plenty of popular electrolyte drinks out there (example: gatorade) and while they do the trick, they are full of artificial sugars and dyes and other stuff I don’t personally want in my body (or my littles). So instead, I like to use natural forms of replenishing.
Here’s a few faves:
- Local, raw honey
- Coconut Water (fave quality and tasting brand)
I also love to drink a drink called “Ningxia” from Young Living. It’s basically a superfood drink that we drink daily, but really double down on whenever we’re feeling under the weather. You can learn more about it here!
#5. Clean and Sanitize as you go!
The unfortunately thing about having a stomach virus is it is *highly* contagious… and so, it’s important to disinfect any contagious areas. So this means a lot of laundry, wiping down surfaces, and we also diffused essential oils to help purify the air!
We personally use a product called Thieves to clean and sanitize, because it disinfect naturally using essential oils. It’s a concentrate, so we just make what we need (which is often cause we use it a lot) and it’s great! It lasts us a long time (even with our highly frequent use) and I love that the ingredients are clean, because then I don’t have to worry about using it around my kids!
We also diffuse Thieves and Purification essential oils to help purify the air – as well as opening the windows if the weather permits to get fresh, God-given air!
** Bonus Tip!
This is for those of you who have a stomach virus of the… *ahem* back end variety.
Your precious bum can get quite tiresome of all the wiping, and so a MUCH gentler way to clean up is to use baby wipes (these also great even when you’re not feeling sick).
Anyways, those are my tips for today!
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