Looking for the ultimate list of newborn items that are super handy to have asap?
Well look no further, mama!
These are all items I have an we LOVED using with our first born, and plan on using again with our next babe on the way!
01. Diaper Bag (link) and get 15% off with the code “Rosalynne” | 02. Carseat Cover (link) | 03. Ultimate Baby Carrier (link) | 04. Carseat Mirror (link) | 05. Everything Wash (link) | 06. Travel Sound Machine (link) | 07. Moses Basket (link) | 08. Baby Monitor (link) | 09. Diapers (link) | 10. Diaper Cover (link) | 11. Footie PJ’s (link) | 12. Thermometer (link) | 13. Travel Monitor (link) | 14. Kneeler for Bath (link) | 15. Laundry Detergent (link) | 16. Baby Tub (link) | 17. Sound Machine & Nightlight (link) | 18. Paci’s (link) | 19. Travel Bed (link) | 20. Stroller & Carseat Combo (link)
If you have any questions about any of the above items, I’m happy to answer!
But I tried to strip down this list to the ultimate things you need right away…. and these are our faves.
I’d love to know – what are your newborn must have items? Comment below!
And if you wanna shop some other faves, here ya go:
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