Let’s chat Christmas Card Ideas!
In this post I’m going to share my favorite, super affordable and easy way we do Christmas Cards every year – along with a few other ideas if that isn’t your thing.
This post isn’t actually sponsored or affiliated in any way (though I wish it was!), so it’s just generic links to my fave things I use every year!

So a little backstory: I LOVE Christmas Cards! I love sending them, I love receiving them and displaying them… It just makes me SO happy. Probably because I love snail mail in general, and it’s the one time of year that people consistently start to snail mail. All-in-all, I’m HERE FOR IT.
I’ve been sending Christmas Cards nearly every year of our marriage over the last decade, and I’ve been using the same hack every year to get our Christmas card – I’m honestly surprised more people haven’t thought about it, but I share this Christmas Card idea anytime I can with a friend in need!
Here’s what we do for our Christmas Cards:
- I go to Groupon and type in “Christmas Cards”
- There’s always a “groupon” for Shutterfly, and I buy that one in the amount of cards that I want.
- This year, I was even able to stack another coupon on top of it – so I got 100 Christmas cards for only $30!
- I then go to Shutterfly, design the card I want, add to cart and go through the checkout process. I personally just get the standard matte with the white envelopes.
- Near the end of checkout, there’s a place for coupons/promos and I add in the groupon “code” for that bundle.
- Viola! Cards are free (minus shipping + tax, but I don’t mind that).
PRO TIP: I used to pay to have the return address printed on there, but then I realized that the $20 charge for it, I could just pay to have a return address stamp made for the same price, but I get to re-use it every year (and throughout the year), thus saving me money (and hassle) in the long run!
I’ve ordered two from this Etsy shop (because we’ve moved) and been very happy with it!

A few other tips for you!
As far as the photos themselves:
This year for our Christmas Card, I literally just got us dressed, set up a tripod and took some photos with my DSLR camera and a remote.
If you don’t have a fancy camera and remote, you can literally just do a “photo swap” with a friend – you take photos of their family and vice versa! Phone cameras nowadays honestly take such nice photos that you could totally make that work.
Or, of course, you can hire a local photographer (or ask for this as a Christmas gift). If you cannot afford a photographer, you can always barter if you have an equivalent service you can “trade” with (but I would only do this if you’re good friends with the person. Please don’t cold message random people, it feels hurtful that you don’t think their products are worth the value).
Other Christmas Card Ideas:
Back before we could afford to buy our own Christmas Cards (even at the affordable rate), I would literally just write a letter sharing about our last year and print it out on Christmas Paper (literally at any big box store for a coupon bucks). Then I was only out stamps!
You could also spend a *little* more and buy actual Christmas Cards and envelopes (again, big box stores or places like Hobby Lobby or TJ Maxx are great for these) and I would hand write actual cards and mail them out.
You can also make your cards (or have your kids make them) or I’m sure there’s a million Pinterest hacks, too.
All in all, there’s my list of Christmas Card ideas for you!
It’s a fun tradition that I personally enjoy doing every year! As the years have gone by, the list has grown and what we do has changed a little, but overall I just enjoy the whole process.
Are you a Christmas Card person?! Are you gonna try my groupon hack? Lemme know!
Wishing you a lovely, and beautiful holiday season.
XO, Rosalynne
“For to us a Child is born, to us a Son is given; and the government shall be upon His shoulder, and His name shall be called Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace.” -Isaiah 9:6
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