Hello friends!
Today I wanted to share a few quick tips to help you dig into God’s word daily. These are things I’ve done to help motivate me to get up and show up as close to everyday as I possibly can.
I get it, you’re busy and it’s easy to let this slide and say, “I’ll try again tomorrow.” And while I’m ALL about giving yourself grace when it’s needed, I also think sometimes we make excuses when we really need a kick in the pants.
So if you need that loving kick, *kick*, here it is. 😉
1. Set an intentional time to do your quiet time every day.
This, by far, has been the most important thing I prioritized.
I found that telling myself, “I’ll get it in when I have a break in my day,” well…. it never really happened (or rarely did). Whereas when I set a specific time every single day where I would do my quiet time, I was a lot more likely to make it happen.
For me in this season, this means waking up before the rest of my household. It’s just what works best for me (even though, my goodness that snooze alarm is so tempting). But I’ve never once regretted waking up.
2. Find an accountability partner.
Going along with the piece above, especially as a tired mom, I found having an accountability partner (or group) has been really helpful!
For the last two years (on and off) I had some sort of accountability group, which was super helpful in my a) actually waking up and getting out of bed and b) getting my daily readings in!
You don’t have to be reading the same thing, or even doing it at the same time (though I do think that’s helpful if you’re trying to get up early). But just sending a quick, daily text saying, “I showed up!” is super helpful in keeping you accountable (and helping your friend be accountable, too!)
3. Find/create a distraction free place to study.
For me personally, I have a corner in our living room where I keep all my Bible Study materials. This place is super peaceful and calming to me, distraction free, and a great place for me to study.
I leave my phone in the other room, so that I’m not tempted to check it. I try to keep the promise to myself that I can’t turn my phone off airplane mode until after my quiet time. This doesn’t always happen, but it sets the tone for the day a lot better when I do.
I recommend if there’s things on your to do lists that will tempt you or distract you, to remove them from your peripheral (if possible). Have a big pile of laundry in front of you? Move it elsewhere to deal with after. There will always be chores to do, but there isn’t always time to pause.
4. Find the best way for you to read and pray.
Perhaps you’re an auditory learner, so listening to the Bible is the way you consume and understand the content best. I’m visual, so physically reading the Bible is the way I understand and soak up the content best.
Same with praying: I find (especially first thing in the morning when I’m still waking up) that I like to journal out my prayers, or follow my journal when praying aloud. It helps me to focus.
I also learned several years ago that it’s helpful for me to have multiple different things I can “work/study” near me. So if I’m having trouble focusing reading, I can switch to a devotion or journaling. If I want to pray but can’t focus praying aloud, I’ll pray through my prayer journal. Etc. etc.
So whatever it is for you… Find the way that helps you stay focused and motivated to be intentional with your quiet time.
5. Find something you’re excited about and look forward to.
Last but not least, this is an #honestmoments bullet point.
When I first started doing my quiet time consistently, the thing that motivated me was enjoying a full, fresh and hot cup of coffee in the morning. Being able to slowly sip on it and enjoy it was what helped me wake up and prioritize that time. I felt like I was on a coffee date with Jesus, and I loved it.
Now, as a mom with an energetic and loud toddler, I savor the time of peace and quiet before my day begins. I also, still, love enjoying an actually hot cup of coffee (if you know, you know).
Plus, I’ve been doing thing long enough to know what it feels like when I don’t wake up early and do my quiet time… So I truly cherish my time with the Lord every morning. It just sets up my day so much better than if I were to skip it and sleep an extra 30-60 minutes.
Alrighty friends, I hope these tips are helpful for you!
I can’t stress enough how GAME CHANGING it is to prioritize your quiet time everyday!
Whenever I started making it a priority, I saw a drastic (not exaggerating) difference in my attitude during the day. My days just felt better, somehow, and I was able to navigate the ups and downs in a much healthier way.
Anyways, I’d love to know: are there any tips you would add to this list? If so, comment below! I’d love to hear what you’ve found helpful.